Monday, September 7, 2009

How to unscribe from unwanted e-newsletters in Gmail.

With its popularity growing, Google's free online based e-mail service Gmail is attracting also another kind of crowd: e-marketers. While how your e-mail address winded up in the hands of those companies can be the subject of another debate, one thing is clear, it is never a pleasant experience to be on the receiving end of those unsolicited emails or e-newsletters.
Now, Google seems to have recognized the magnitude of the problem and is doing something about it by introducing a new Gmail feature that let you automatically unsubscribe from unwanted mailings with the help of one click. As of now, it is not effective in stopping every source of unwanted e-newsletters, but Google is working its way to get more companies known to be in the business of sending those pieces of unwanted mails, to, get on board with the program.
To use the feature, simply log into your Gmail account and select a newsletter or mailing-list message and click the Report Spam link. For companies that support the feature, a box should pop up asking if you want to unsubscribe from the newsletter. If you choose to unsubscribe, Google sends a request asking the sender to take you off its mailing list.
For more information, the Gmail blog has more details on how auto-unsubscribe works and what kinds of messages it works with at

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