Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Organazing tools for multiple social networks accounts.

The proliferation of social network platforms make it harder and harder to keep up with all of them if you have to navigate back and forth and open different screens. Fortunately, there are some solutions available for the most social of us.
Those solutions come in the form of desktop applications like Skimmer, offered by
According to the Wall Street Journal, this free download lets you keep up with several social network sites at the same time. After registering with the service, users can log on to their Blogger, Facebook, Twitter,YouTube or Flickr accounts from a single screen and see all their contacts' updates clearly marked by a distinct icon; "F" for Facebook, "T" for Twitter etc.
Another free application is Tweetdeck available at, which "aggregates Twitter and Facebook updates in one customizable screen and allow you to see which Facebook friend is online, and chat with them," according to the Wall Street Journal.
Following multiple people on Twitter can be a challenge but thanks to tools like seesmic desktop application, the process can become less chaotic. With this application, people that you follow are divided into groups organized in columns on your screen, like one each for co-workers, friends,customers etc.
The same application can also be used to track friends and contacts on Facebook; it is available at

For more, see

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