Monday, August 18, 2008

Beijing Etiquette Book.

Worried about having the perfect Olympics possible, Chinese officials have printed and distributed an etiquette book to Beijing residents prior to the start of the Games. The book outlines what are good manners and the basics of some foreign customs and even some fashion pointers. Among the no-no's: wearing more than three colors shades in an outfit, white socks with black shoes, and pajamas and slippers in public.
In the obvious category, the book goes on to say :"When entering an elevator...let people walk out before entering; once inside, riders should place their hands on the the railings to avoid falling..."
In the silly category, the book warns riders of escalators to only look straight ahead and never stare at other passengers. It also warns residents of things not to ask foreigners, including their age, marital status, income or religious and political beliefs.

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